Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Divine Dining...

I have a bunch of friends who meet once a month for a meal.

Originally there were four of us, and it all began over a Christmas drink in December 2000 to catch up.  I had two separate groups of people who I wanted to meet up with and I chose a spot that was local to both groups and the four of us met for the first time at the now long-gone Jolly Poacher Bar.  After a couple of drinks we decided to dine somewhere and headed to the also long-gone Tin Goose.  And so dawned a new idea to go somewhere different every month.  We gave ourselves a name (the Divine Diners) and an institution was born.

There are now seven of us and we each take turns picking somewhere to go, with the rule being that the majority haven't been to the place before.  We NEVER ran out of new places to try.  After the February 2011 earthquakes, we did relax the rule, to support restaurants re-opening, we could go back once.  We have done this for the Bodhi Tree and St Germain.

Of course we do go back to places, unofficially, or with other friends.  For our 10th year anniversary we did go on a field trip to Moeraki to Fleur's for a weekend trip.

Looking across Moeraki to Fleur's from our camping ground cabin

Fleur's door

It's by the sea...

So, now into our 13th year, stay tuned to this page for updates on our local dining adventures of the Divine Diners.  I will attempt to reflect all the group's thoughts on a place, but  for the main it will be my view of the venue!

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